Child Birth or Getting Kicked in the Balls

By Anupum Pant

childbirth painThe internet is full of media saying that pain can be measured in units called “del”. According to them 45 del is the limit of pain a human can endure and yet, they go on to say that child birth is associated with 57 del of pain (apparently it is equivalent to 20 bones getting fractured at a time) and getting kicked in the nuts is 9000 del of pain.

I know getting kicked in the nuts, or giving birth to a child is not a joke. It is indeed extreme pain. But if it’s more than what a human can endure, most of us shouldn’t be alive, going by the “del” logic.

Thanks to ASAP Science, I now know that there’s no unit of pain called del. It just doesn’t exist. Dol is something that quantifies pain to some extent. Still, pain is a subjective experience. So it’s hard to give it a standard number.

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90 thoughts on “Child Birth or Getting Kicked in the Balls”

      1. But we can’t because one person may be screaming from just a small cut but another person might just throw a bandage on it to stop the bleeding because it doesn’t hurt them. I think it is how you are raised is how good/bad your pain tolerance is. If you are treated like a baby and are rushed to the doctors for every little pain you get you will think that even a little pain is the worst thing in the world. But if you are raised in a home that If you think you break a bone or something extreme and you are just told to suck it up you probably will and not show any pain resulting in you building up a large pain tolerance. I think later on in the future they will figure out a way to measure pain, but it will take a ton of research and a lot of time that we really don’t have to be working on something that doesn’t really matter.

      2. Pain is subjective. Morphine, a powerful opioid, reduces pain by making us not think about it as much. There are multiple cases of women who can naturally birth children without ever “feeling pain.” Pain is a product of the human mind, which we still lack the tools to measure objectively.

    1. Well literally everything ever made is “made up” they created a scale to measure the heat of different spices and peppers. That was a “made up” thing, the same as this is. Don’t try to disregard it just bc it says that a kick in the balls is worse than birth.

      1. I think it’s the fact that it depends on who is doing the kicking and it is more common as women on average birth two kids. And a planned c section has a part to play in this as well

      2. Thats peppers though, just cause that scale isnt accurate doesnt mean its okay to use the “dol” or “del” and no not everything is made up or not accurate because 0 celcius is when water freezes while 100 celcius is when water boils so no not everything is “made up” so like the asap science video said, there is almost no way to accurately measure which hurts more.

      3. Some random dude probably made it up so that he looks like he has it worse that girls

    2. We all know why you’re saying that lmao. Dont be mad girls can’t be the center of attention or victim in every case.

    3. No you can measure pain based off of the figures given by the waves sent to you brain through your nervous system in relation to the tram you endured. But yes these figures are made up for sure , getting kicked in the balls can give a male blue balls which is bruising of the balls and that can last for weeks and the pain of having it is extreme but I can’t imagine that it would stand up to the feeling of releasing a baby from your vagina, like that’s a whole person coming out of you. I’ve been punched in the balls and kicked and of course it’s terrible but women were evolutionarily made to endure more pain due to this one thing they had to do which is birth, so if that doesn’t describe how much that shit must hurt I don’t know what will. Birth is worse than getting kicked in the balls any day.

      1. bruh giving birth is way more painful then getting kicked in the balls nothing happened to you, you cannot die from it on average about 1 in every 10 women die from giving birth by the way it rips open a part in your body makes you get stitches and you basically have to give birth another time for the amount of children your having because you have to give birth to the placenta. so next time remember that science doesn’t fucking lie bitch.

    4. Pain is only relative to how a person can tolerate a physical interaction. So each person will have a different amount of so call “measured pain”

    5. Pain is only relative to how a person can tolerate a physical interaction. So each person will have a different amount of so call “measured pain”
      But still. Don’t go around trying to test this theory on others.

    1. like stated before, pain is relative. what might be painful to you is nothing to another, so not really.

      1. pain is not relative pain is pain, what is relative is different peoples threshold for pain for example if I were to shoot you in the arm with a paintball gun you might think it hurts like crazy but if I were to shoot someone else in the exact same spot with the same paintball gun they might think it hurts but they can tolerate the pain so they do not react to the pain as you might do to them having a higher pain tolerance

      2. Pain is subject to type and location, not the person. Everyone feels pain the same but people deal with it in different ways, some complain and cry, others don’t do that because they know tears won’t make the pain disappear 🙂

      3. No matter how much pain someone can tolerate, I have never nor has anyone else( unless they don’t feel pain period) seen a man not cripple with extreme pain after getting hit, kicked in the balls, I have barely flicked it while shaking a garbage bag to open it up and still no comparison to any pain I have experienced 🤮😂😂😂😂🤡

      4. I’m i am very sure if a guy gets kicked in the balls it will hurt no matter who you are or your pain tolerance

  1. Pain and pain tolerance is purely subjective. Everyone experiences pain differently so there’s no generalization of pain. A man can never experience child birth and a woman can never experience getting kicked in the balls, and neither humans can experience what animals go through when being gutted, roasted, or cooked alive in a meat factory.

    1. Explain how a animal feels anything after having a spike shot into the base of it’s brain, then skinned and all of it’s internal organs removed? I didn’t realize dead things experience pain, I guess we need to outlaw cremations then…

      1. Right? People who actually believe the things PETA says are probably the same people. Who think the earth is flat.

    2. “Cooked alive in a meat factory” says the person who doesn’t know how anything works. You’re right about not being able to experience pain the same. But the animal this is as inaccurate as it is stupid. Animals aren’t cooked alive in meat factories, for a whole long list of reasons

      1. The awkward moment when none of you have done the slightest research and this actually does happen to animals in factories :$

      1. Half the people on here are wrong, pain can’t be measured like a pepper because I cannot experience child birth and a woman can’t experience a kick in the nuts, scientists can mesure brain waves but pain tolerance and other variables affect that. Also vegans makes no sense, humans have been eating meat for millions for years, Hell we are built for it, you say we shouldn’t eat meat but why aren’t you stopping other animals, it’s in our nature it keeps us healthy some animals die without meat, we don’t do much better.

      2. No they made a thing so guys can experience giving birth they have not made a thing for girls to feel what it is like to be kicked in the balls when you grow a pair of balls talk to a boy and tell them to kick you in the balls as hard as they can and then you will see why people say it’s worse or just as bad as giving birth so shut up and deal with the fact that you girls can always be center of attention 🙃

    3. Thank you, I really hope you’re vegan and if you’re not try it, you’re a wonderful human being #vgnpwr #veganrevolution

    4. I’m guessing ur vegan. I believe there is room for all of God’s creatures. RIGHT NEXT TO MY MASHED POTATOES. 🤣🤣😂😂👌👌👌🤙🤙🤙🐮🐷🐔🐤🦆🐗🦄🦑🦐🦀🐡🐠🐟🐬🐋🐊🦈🇺🇸☯️🆒

    5. Actually getting kicked in the vagina hurts probably just as bad as getting kicked in the balls guys just like to think that just cause girls dont have dicks means that it doesnt hurt to get kicked in that spot.

    1. anyone who thinks birth is more painful has clearly not been kicked in the balls and anyone who thinks getting kicked in the balls is more painful clearly hasn’t given birth

  2. I’ve never given child birth, but I’m sure as most women expiernce, the joy outweighs the pain. But I’ve seen many a top ten list on people who have had multiple things happen in life, broken bones, kidney stones, nerve damage, child birth, kicked in the nuts ect, where you can see pain tolernece vs what a person can handle over having multiple items on the list happen, and most break down to a very good top ten list OF most painful and Im sorry boys, lucked in the nuts never makes those lists but child birth does, where these women have had broken bones, nerve damage, cancer ect and men having same issues and when it you have multiple alimengents and these things happen and so people can really judge thier pain threshold, tolerance and what was MOST painful, but kicking has never made the list, I chalk up but kicking to my once a month cramps, I get them without being kicked!

    1. I grew up as the only guy in a home of 4 women. I heard about their cramps all the time. I’ve also experienced cramps myself from sports injuries. I can tell you, without a shadow of a doubt, that a cramp, of any kind, is no where even in the same realm as a hard direct kick to the nuts.

      When it comes to child birth, of course I won’t ever be able to experience that. Compared to getting kicked in the nuts, I think childbirth is worse mostly because of the prolonged pain of extreme pain vs the less amount of time of extreme pain felt of a kick to the nuts.

      Final point, women go through the pain of child birth willingly. They make the choice to do it oftentimes. No man would have voluntarily get kicked in the balls. JS

    2. Here’s where I know your lying, cancer doesn’t cause pain. I had a stage 2 cancer in my neck and you dont feel pain, maybe some emotional pain knowing that your chance of dying is extremely high. And also every pain video I’ve watched has included being kicked in the nuts, and if it doesn’t they usually don’t include child birth.

    3. Do you realize how often guys get hit in the testes? I have been hit in the testicles at least twenty to thirty times (you try not to remember, unless the way it happened was very memorable), it sucks every time and it scares the heck out of us guys every time we almost get hit there. At least you females have a general idea of when your periods will happen, guys can get hit in the nuts multiple times a day. I’ve seen two guys get hit in the nuts three times during soccer in PE in one period, two or three others where hit twice a class period, and all of them had it happen almost the same number of times multiple days in a row.

    4. Getting kicked does count as nerve damage because we have thousands of nerves in our nuts. It only takes 20lbs of force to pop a nut and I’m sure a common kick can exceed 20lbs of force easy

  3. My ovaries Im sure are as sensitive if not more then your bits, and twice a month with out anyone doing so I’m kicked in the buys for maybe 24-48 hours straight, I’m double over in pain and can hardly stand on ovulation and I am sure that’s about the same feeling you get when kicked but you feel it for what 20 minutes, I endure it longer and every few weeks like click work

    1. ‘Can hardly stand’ You ever seen a man stay stood right up after being kicked in the Crown Jewels?? I agree it’s a shorter pain but it’s much sharper & can leave a man completely incapacitated for several minutes, never seen a period do that to woman.

    2. I gotta say you are right to an extent, but also with guys we are doubled over in pain and as much as girls want to say the pain is for a brief secend, I bet to differ because I have been hit with an 80 mile your soccer ball before and it lasted 2 days with content liking and passing out. Kind the fact i have an informed pain tolerance.

    3. It starts slow and then your nerves recover enough from being shocked to feel pain, depending on how hard you are hit you could be down and out for at least ten minutes.

    4. oh you are great. first of all, say a guy gets hit in the nuts with a small object, like a computer mouse. now to you, that my seem like nothing. but the slightest touch can incapacitate a man for over 15 minutes. i got shout in the nuts with a paintball gun and was paralyzed from the waist down for days. now imagine someone kicking you in the nuts. the average kick when trying is moving 30 meters per second, producing 270 newtons of force. trust me, that leaves a man paralyzed for DAYS if not weeks. the legs are some of the strongest muscles in our body. imagine usain bolt or dwayne johnson kicking you in the nuts. that can kill somebody. instantly. when a woman gives birth, the national mortality rate during and after childbirth is 27 out of 100k. but a hard enough kick can kill a man. imagine someone kicking you like a pitcher throws a baseball. about 95 mph. that will kill a man instantly, or if hes lucky, cause his testicles to burst causing pain for months. so shut up about “oh a kick to the nuts put a man on the floor for only 20 minutes” stfu. women will never understand

  4. Anyhow the top ten lists of most painful medical conditions for me are a walk in the park and don’t even take or took pain relievers so sometimes I even wonder about most people’s tolerneces I’ve had two or three of those happen, but I will say I have taken a pain med after a tonsillectomy, but to say that was my worst pain, over a broken bone, that’s just odd, and over shingles and other things I have happen that age even top ten worst pains ever, medically, well, I didn’t need a single pain Medicine. Again I only imagine nerve pain as the worst out side of surgeries. Even broken bones barely hurt

    1. And I’m just saying you Amber have no part in this because a: you haven’t been kicked in the balls before and also you haven’t given birth and also the person that made up this stupid thing about the most pain goes to giving birth was made by a girl. Now if I have my facts straight we are back to the same thing about no girls can ever relate to getting kicked in the balls and no guys can relate to giving birth

  5. I’m sure your ovaries are way less sensitive than testicles, if you were any but smart you would know that by nature testicles would be way more sensitive bc they are out of the body unprotected we obviously need to know if something is hurting them bc it is vary possible for then to get hurt but ovaries are inside your body way less likely to get hit meaning they wouthe ld need less pain receptors

    1. Wrong. They are less likely to get hit correct due to their position inside the body, but say a doctor is operating on your ovaries, he would be very gentle with them just as he would with his own testes because they are both very sensitive organs. Not sure if they are equally as sensitive though as we’d need someone with a fully developed set of both to let us know.

  6. As for the 9,000 units of pain, that is completely false with no actual studies to prove it accurate. As for myself, I have given birth naturally at home twice, (not including my misscairage)medication free. In doing so, as it was coming to the end my hip bones were pushed out of socket, and my skin was stretched so much it tore from the pressure, which meant I needed to get stitches afterwards. The process in total took a little over 12 hours both times. Now you guys are probably thinking you get nothing out of a kick in the balls, but with labor you get a human. But when a women has a misscairage the pain is often worse then the labor with a full term baby, and way more dangerous. Countless women have bled to death in the process and some including myself have come close to doing so, but as for the pain, nothing compares to the pain of losing a baby, Phisically or mentally, because that can last you a life time. But in the end, it was worth it because I have the two most beautiful children I ever could’ve asked for. With the support of the most wonderful husband, who after watching me go through labor said he would way rather get kicked in the balls then have to go through that pain, but at the same time wished with all his heart that he could take it from me.

    1. But you can go on your sob story all day long but you still can’t experience your balls getting kicked (because you don’t have any) so just stop we understand childbirth is painful but nobody can ever say which is worst.

    2. When men experience to trauma, it could literally cause his sperm to die, so you may say a miscarriage is the worst feeling, but, atleast you could try again. If a man has dead sperm, likely he can never have a child ever (again).

    3. Wow you know we have hospitals so people can stop being stupid and giving birth in a unsanitary place and make sure nothing happens

  7. Alright everybody calm down have any of you ever been literally burnt alive like I have gotten 3rd degree burns on my face my chest, back and hands if any wants to say that they’ve experienced more pain than that we’re gonna throw hands.i could see the bones in my face when I looked in the mirror I could physically put my finger through my cheek I could see my skull so anyone who wants to say child birth is worse than that step up and get ready for a roasting because I sure fuckin wasn’t

  8. Oh and too the woman who said she didn’t take any pain meds well me too cuz I’m allergic to morphine and phental and delotted fight me man fight me

  9. Um..I believe you mean fentanyl and dilaudid. And I don’t know if you’re speaking of giving birth but I’m a pharmacy tech and they usually do not give dilaudid or morphine or especially fentanyl for childbirth….matter of fact they can’t because it passes through the umbilical cord..your child could die if they gave you anything that strong while in labour.. They can give you stadol and an epidural but that’s about it…soo you would never get to experience childbirth with any of those drugs anyway…and if the human body can only handle 54 del of pain but getting kicked in the balls is 9000 every time a man got kicked in the balls he would surely pass out from pain..I mean really…and to the person who was burned so badly..I can imagine that being horrible pain..I say you win..I was burned badly as a child but only had 2nd degree burns and I can tell you..that is some serious pain.

  10. First child birth is not the worst pain in the world anyone who says that is downplaying people who have gone through much worse. second I don’t think the measurements are true however saying that the body going over it’s threshold of pain would cause you to pass out is wrong. Simply put pain doesn’t come from your body it comes from your brain and it can simply decide to ignore pain signals if it needs to don’t get me wrong you obviously can pass out from pain but it’s not guaranteed that you will

  11. Getting kicked in the balls hurts more because women always say “Let’s have another”. I don’t hear men say “Kick me again.”.

    1. Okay dude 😒 it’s almost as if you get a reward when you give birth that makes it almost worth the pain! This argument is so stupid

  12. Pain may be relative but child birth is not something that is instantaneous. It literally lasts for 9 to 10 months. Filled with swelling body parts, upset stomachs, headaches, nosebleeds, constant bladder issues, and etc. That’s not even including actual labor which can past for hours and not only tears up the vagina but also leaves it insanely sore for days even weeks. Not to mention ladies who have to get c-sections. They get cut open and their organs literally taken out to get the baby and the sac out. Childbirth without drugs can KILL you. A kick to the nuts sucks as all hell but that’s it. Child bearing has killed hundreds of women in the past and only the miracle of modern medicine is to be thanked for the ability of having a child without the risk today..

    1. Ok, but the question wasn’t, “Which is more lethal”. Also, it wasn’t a question of which is a worse experience, it was which is more painful. Getting kicked in the balls and giving birth are both very painful. Which is more painful? I don’t think anyone can say for sure at this moment, seeing as nobody has gotten kicked in the balls and given birth. There is also no full-proof way of finding out through science yet. I’m not saying that there will never be an answer, there just isn’t enough evidence to prove anything.

      Side note for the guy that got super burnt: So sorry you had to experience that. I can’t even imagine.

    2. Just because something can kill you doesn’t mean that it hurts more. I can fucking burn your hand off and you will still survive and I promise you it will hurt more than giving birth. Also, passing kidney stones as a man hurts far more than childbirth.

  13. These women that are talking about their periods are most likely the ones trying to stop man spreading which can give more pain everyday than 2 weeks of cramps.

  14. so I am not gonna say guys have it worse than women but I will argue for equal comparison when guys say getting kicked in the nuts hurts so bad they just bean it hit their nuts a little however what they and all the top 10 videos forgot to b nnn mention is the difference between that and have a teste actually crushed which might I point out is something guys would never do to each other as long as they see the other as human even if they are willing to kill the person however women generally would consider crushing a guys teste a mercy instead of killing a guy while being merely kicked is definitely not as painful as pregnancy I’d argue that its comparable to your women’s monthly cramps and If a guys teste was crushed its definitely able to make up for a lifetime of missed monthly teste injuries and pregnancy’s because actually crushing one is not something the human mind can comprehend its roughly like being burned alive except you don’t get to die at the end and have to live with the permanent lingering pain after also being burned alive is apparently one of the most painful ways to die taking on average 14 seconds but is so painful it will feel like years as your body literally enters the state of bullet time for 14 seconds which is beyond what the physical body and brain can handle if you had managed to live the fire the exhaustion of your cells and brain would be what killed you. Keep In mind bullet time speeds up human perception so high that a few milliseconds is years of time in your perception.

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  16. I think that boys just make up that it hurts more to be kicked in the balls because they have a small tolerance to pain and girls have a stronger pain tolerance. But I still believe pushing a human out of our vagina hurts more than being kicked in the balls, even taped in the balls.

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